File 'e origgine (File SVG, dimenziune nommenale 450 × 456 pixel, dimenzione d' 'o file: 474 KB)

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English: Map of East Germany (German Democratic Republic) as it was from 1949-1990. Surrounding countries accurate from 1957-1990.
Deutsch: Karte der Deutsche Demokratische Republik, 1949-1990 (die Karte ca. 1956-1990).
Data (UTC)
Ate verziune
English: This map is part of a series of historical political maps of Europe. All maps by Alphathon and based upon Blank map of Europe.svg unless otherwise stated.
Deutsch: Diese Karte ist Teil einer Serie historischer politischer Europakarten. Solange nicht anders angegeben, wurden alle Karten durch Alphathon auf Basis von Blank map of Europe.svg erstellt, sofern nicht anders angegeben.
Français : Cette carte fait partie d'une série de cartes historiques et politiques d'Europe. Toutes les cartes ont été créées par Alphathon et basées sur Blank map of Europe.svg sauf indication contraire.
Evolution of specific states

Greece/Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Empire: ca. 330 – 1204; 1261 – 1453
Byzantine Empire – 814 Byzantine Empire – 1190
1453 – 1832
Between 1453 and 1832 there was no independent Greek state. During this period the region was ruled by the Byzantine Empire's Turkish successor: the Ottoman Empire.
Greece: 1832 – Today
Kingdom of Greece – 1890 Kingdom of Greece – 1914 Second Hellenic Republic – 1935 Hellenic State – 1942 Kingdom of Greece – 1973
9th Century

11th Century

12th Century

18th Century

19th Century

Europe at the height of Napoleon's power.
Blank map of Europe 1812.svg
Blank map of Europe 1890.svg
20th Century

Blank map of Europe 1914.svg
March - September 1939
Europe 1942.svg

Questa è una immagine ritoccata, il che significa che è stata modificata digitalmente dalla sua versione originale. Modifiche: {{{1}}}. La versione originale può essere vista qui: Blank map of Europe 1956-1990.svg.


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Archivio 'e carreca origgenale

This image is a derivative work of the following images:

  • File:Blank_map_of_Europe_1956-1990.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0
    • 2011-10-30T04:43:42Z Alphathon 450x456 (485146 Bytes) == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{en|Blank map of Europe showing national borders as they stood from 1956-1990.}} |Source=*[[:File:Blank_map_of_Europe.svg|]] |Date=2011-10-30 04:42 (UTC) |Author=*[[:File:Bla


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26 nuv 2011

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attuale01:33, 26 Nuv 2011Miniatura d’’a verzione d’’e 01:33, 26 Nuv 2011450 × 456 (474 KB)StalwartUK== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{en|Map of the East Germany (German Democratic Republic) as it was from 1949-1990. Surrounding countries accurate from 1956-1990.}} |Source=*[[:File:Blank_map_of_Europe_1956-1990.svg|

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